Business Reorganization And Restructuring
There are times in every business when its leaders must make decisions about reorganization. This can entail pulling departments apart, restructuring departments, shifting managers and department heads, restructuring salary and bonus programs, and, sometimes, layoffs.
Edge Business Solutions takes the time to meet with the owner or CEO of the company to determine his or her desires and needs for the business, and the budget they have to make this happen. We then meet with department heads and managers and discuss their departmental needs and the performance of the employees within those departments.
Helping You Decide Your Next Moves
We analyze all the data we collect throughout the company, digest it as a team, and put together a report with recommendations for restructuring to meet your business needs. We then meet with you and your staff to present a draft report. We welcome your edits, comments, questions, and concerns, which we’ll include in a revised report and final restructuring plan. Once you accept the plan, we’ll help you implement it.